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New release (v0.8.7rc4)

The config file is implemented as planned: The file name is ~/.epixrc
(i.e., $HOME/.epixrc), and contains compiler options of the form
-I<includedir>, -L<libdir>, or -l<lib>. A line containing a "#" is a
comment. (N.B. The hash mark may appear anywhere in the line, not just
at the beginning.)

Also, the "make install" target compiles and installs a PostScript version
of the tutorial if the sources are present. This may migrate to a separate
target (e.g., "make docs") eventually.

Andrew D. Hwang			ahwang at mathcs dot holycross dot edu
Department of Math and CS	http://mathcs.holycross.edu/~ahwang
College of the Holy Cross	(508) 793-2458 (Office: 320 Swords)
Worcester, MA, 01610-2395	(508) 793-3530 (fax)